By: Kim Scott

Happy New Year! I hope by now you’ve been able to listen to my last episode, New Year, New Word. I am well on my way to facing the fears and obstacles as I say to myself, “STOP DOUBTING AND BELIEVE.”
Recently, for future episodes, I’ve been thinking about many of my lived experiences and I have been reminded of the countless times God has shown up for me. My life has been filled with miracles.
My daughter would always say that God favors me. I would agree.
But I am also aware that God doesn’t have favorites…God favors each and every person.
We only need to tap into a little awareness that what we might think are coincidences are truly incidents or events ordained by God. With that in mind, I laugh at myself and wonder how it is even possible that I still have doubts.
This year I vow to BELIEVE that God is going to show up, that he will continue to guide and inspire me, and that he will bless me and my family with abundance.
How about you…WHAT’S YOUR WORD?
I would enjoy hearing your word for the year and a little about why that word and how you hope it will bring forth change in your life, in your relationships, and in how you encounter God. Please take a moment to drop us a message on the website or a comment on our Instagram page to let us know your word for 2024.
I’m hoping and praying for more goodness and tenderness among people this year. I’m praying for more peace, inclusion, hope, and healing.
Whatever your word or resolution or goals you may have chosen and/or set for this year, I pray that it is uplifting, affirming, and inspiring - so that in the words of Saint Teresa from Avila you will be reminded,
“Christ has no body but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours, yours are the eyes with which He looks compassion on this world, yours are the feet with which He walks to do good, yours are the hands, with which He blesses all the world.
Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are His body.”
I look forward to walking with you in 2024.
May your life be filled with simplicity and grace and may you be inspired to take a spot of time each day to renew and refresh your mind, body, heart and soul. Amen.
Empower Hope and Healing.